St Margaret's
Community Lottery
Raising funds for your Parish Church
We're inviting 200 people to subscribe to the 200 Club in the hope of winning £200.
Each month a draw will take place at the last Friday Morning Coffee of the month, in the Parish Room. Subscribers stand to win a 1st prize of £200, or £75 (2nd) or £50 (3rd).
Subscription costs only £5 per month and subscription lasts one year.
To find out more, click here to see our 200 Club page on this website.
St Margaret’s is a friendly church, built around a shared loyalty to Jesus Christ and a desire to be made new people in him. Worship is central to everything we do, and we enjoy it. As the only
church in the village, we try to provide something for everyone, and are proud to be able to offer a wide range of services, from the quiet dignity of early morning Communion to Messy Church,
from the exuberant celebration of All-age worship to traditional Evensong (we are one of the few villages locally still able to offer this). Whatever the style of worship, we expect to
encounter the living Jesus through the words of scripture and in his sacramental presence. We have a strong musical tradition, with both a robed choir and a worship band: you might hear anything,
from Tallis to Tim Hughes, with most stops in between.
We have an active, successful bellringing band and we are very proud of our work with children and young people. The Church's year is fully celebrated with many moving and well-attended special
services at festivals. Our congregation expect intelligent, relevant preaching and we are beginning to discover the value of home fellowship groups and other less formal ways of being in church
We want to be a church which serves the community, and we encourage our members to volunteer for a wide range of civic, local and charitable roles. In serving others, we see the face of Jesus.
The church is open for private prayer everyday from 10 till 5.
If you would like to be on the email circulation list for our weekly readings, intercessions, news updates and so on contact Revd Rebecca Tuck, Vicar, using the contact details in the sidebar.